Life Style

7 Ways to Support Women

Hey girl,

Here’s a reminder that you are worthy of everything you get in life. If you clicked on this post, you came here to get tips on empowering women which makes you an empowered woman. You’re a hardworking, compassionate, kind, and talented BOSS. As you embark into the world and lift up other women through your actions, I hope you know how lucky I feel to connect with you on this platform. Now, let’s work together to benefit humankind. Today, I’m sharing 10 ways to support women in the world. Will you join me?

Cup of Charisma - 7 Ways to Empower Women - Get it Girl Shirt and Women Scarf with Blazer
This blazer and shirt are 40% off!

Jeans // Bag // Top // Blazer // Sunglasses // Heels (Similar)// Scarf

Show Up for the Women in Your Life

Real talk: I sometimes struggle to be fully present. I am most ashamed of this when I fail to show up for a friend or support a woman in my life. I am making a conscious effort to get better and be there for the people around me, but this can start with small actions. Whether sending a check-in to your girl friends during the week or being the friend they can always count on to grab a glass of wine and watch Netflix with after a rough day, investing in your friendships with women is important. We are stronger in numbers, so nurture those friendships and help them bloom.

Collaborate to Create Change

I have a favorite quote I came across at Yellow Conference by Matthew Arnold, “If there ever comes a time when the women of the world come together purely and simply for the benefit of mankind, it will be a force such as the world has never known.” What a TRUTH BOMB. Women have determination and conviction that can spark real change; imagine what we could do if we collaborate instead of pit ourselves against one another.

Feminist Fashion - 7 Ways to Support Women - Cup of Charisma - White Blazer and Get it Girl Shirt
Feminist Fashion - 7 Ways to Support Women - Cup of Charisma - White Blazer and Get it Girl Shirt

Find a Mentor and Pay It Forward

When I started my career, I wanted to break into journalism so badly but never knew how. I studied journalism and PR, but soon learned that PR wasn’t my real passion. At the time, newspapers around the country were folding and the industry was getting smaller. I was lucky enough to have Miami Herald’s fashion editor, Maria Tettamanti, take me under her wing. As my mentor, she gave me incredible opportunities that landed me amazing interviews and formed a strong writing portfolio I could use to further my career. Now journalism is more of my full-time job and no longer a side hustle. I have Maria to thank for much of my opportunities, and I recently told her how much I hope I can pay it forward. Find a mentor who lifts you up and then use your skill to give back to another young woman who is looking to grow.

Make Space for Women

Whether it’s creating a girl’s night or starting a book club dedicated to women authors, make an environment where women can thrive and speak their mind. Help give women a platform and allow the to connect with others. You might remember how I stumbled across an organization that led me to build friendships with women when I first moved to Houston. One local example that’s close to my heart is White Buffalo Project, an organization made to create and nurture authentic female friendships started by my friends Kendall Hannah and Hailie Durrett. (If you’re in the Houston area, I highly recommend signing up for their small groups – “herds” – by March 31!)

Feminist Fashion - 7 Ways to Support Women - Cup of Charisma - White Blazer and Get it Girl Shirt
Feminist Fashion - 7 Ways to Support Women - Cup of Charisma - White Blazer and Get it Girl Shirt

Support Women-Owned Businesses

In a workforce dominated by men, women-owned businesses are showing promise and helping us believe the future really is female. According to Upworthy, there are now more than 9.9 million firms in the United States owned by women. Reports also show that women-run businesses are growing five times faster than the national average. While all of this is inspiring and we might be out of the Mad Men-era workplace dynamic, women are still fighting for a seat at the table. Choosing to shop at and support women-owned businesses will help further the success and uplift your sisters.

Believe Women

In a time when we are finally experiencing a reckoning and bringing women’s stories to the forefront of our conversations, it’s important to believe women coming forward with stories of abuse and injustice. We all have known the weight of violence and discrimination against women for decades. It’s been engrained in us since a young age, but the world is now giving us a platform to stop hiding in the shadows. Help uplift and empower survivors to tell their stories by being there to listen.

Feminist Fashion - 7 Ways to Support Women - Cup of Charisma - White Blazer and Get it Girl Shirt
Feminist Fashion - 7 Ways to Support Women - Cup of Charisma - White Blazer and Get it Girl Shirt

Join a Local Organization to Empower Girls

Female empowerment starts young. What if we could get to young girls before their bullies do? What if we could implant positivity and empowerment in their minds, instead of self-doubt? Support organizations that help shape young girls like Big Brothers and Big Sisters of America, Girl Scouts, Girls on the Run, and Girls Who Code to name a few. In Texas, Girls Empowerment Network is a wonderful option that helps you mentor young girls and help them realize they can achieve their dreams.

What are some of the ways you support some of the women in your community? I’d love to hear your ideas!

Feminist Fashion - 7 Ways to Support Women - Cup of Charisma - White Blazer and Get it Girl Shirt


Tell me what you think!

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